About Us II

About Fable
  • Welcoming place that engages each child.

    Nulla adiscipling elite forte, nodis est advance pulvinar maecenas est dolor, novum elite lacina.
    Praesent arcu gravida a vehicula est node maecenas loareet maecenas morbi dosis luctus mode. Urna eget lacinia eleifend molibden dosis et gravida dosis sit amet terminal.
    • Quisque Morbi

      Pulvinar est metro ligula blandit maecenas retrum gravida cuprum.

    • Integer Ligula

      Pulvinar est metro ligula blandit maecenas retrum gravida cuprum.

    • Nunc Blandit

      Pulvinar est metro ligula blandit maecenas retrum gravida cuprum.

    • Magento Care

      Pulvinar est metro ligula blandit maecenas retrum gravida cuprum.

    • Mauris Solutide

      Pulvinar est metro ligula blandit maecenas retrum gravida cuprum.

    • Phasellus Novum

      Pulvinar est metro ligula blandit maecenas retrum gravida cuprum.

    • About Us II 2
      Shikha Tondon
    • About Us II 3
      Shikha Gupta
    • About Us II 4
      Divya Gupta
    • About Us II 5
      Latika Rastogi
    • About Us II 6
      Shikha Tondon

      My name is Shikha Tondon. I grew up and studied in Lucknow. This is my second year at Town Hall Kids and loves every minute of it, making the children’s learning experience fun. I love giving children opportunities to make discoveries about their world by providing them with the time and space to explore.


    • About Us II 7
      Shikha Gupta

      I hold a degree in Early Childhood Education and an advanced English language certificate. I have been working as a kindergarten teacher since 2002. I love working with children and getting to know their personalities and having fun with them. I look forward to meeting you and your children in the near future

    • About Us II 8
      Divya Gupta

      I have completed a Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching. I have worked with children aged from six weeks to eight years. This is my second year at Town Hall Kids. In addition to working at the Townhall, I also work as a consultant, providing information sessions and training for parents, educators, and teachers.

    • About Us II 9
      Latika Rastogi

      My name is Latika Rastogi. I grew up and studied in Lucknow. This is my second year at Town Hall Kids and loves every minute of it, making the children’s learning experience fun. I love giving children opportunities to make discoveries about their world by providing them with the time and space to explore.

  • How to Enroll Your Child to a Class?

    • Quisque Morbi

      Proin id blandit dolor vel porta mauris nulla a dolor porttitor enim laoreet porttitor augue.

    • Magento Care

      Aenean quis tincidunt arcu in lacinia augue mauris a nisi at dictum mattis imperdiet.

    • Mauris Solutide

      Vestibulum sed est sagittis mi commodo laoreet cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis.

    • Integer Ligula

      Phasellus pretium odio quis porta hendrerit bivamus imperdiet sollicitudin orci.

    • Nunc Blandit

      Nam hendrerit nunc vel erat consectetur nec luctus lectus vulputate duis id sollicitudin.

    • Phasellus Novum

      Sed ullamcorper ligula sit amet tristique consequat fusce pretium diam sit amet augue.

    • Quisque Morbi

      Proin sit amet luctus tellus integer accumsan diam dolor non iaculis lorem suscipit non.

    • Magento Care

      Lunc vestibulum mauris sit amet ipsum iaculis ut sollici dui laoreet suspendisse.

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